Monday, August 4, 2008


If a user is logged into the domain, running the login.exe app for Attendant Solutions would generate a message box like this:

Open File - Security Warning

Name: At-Login.exe
Publisher: Unknown Publisher
Type: Application
From: T:\ATT

The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this this software?

This file does not have a valid digital software that verifies its publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust. How can I decide what software to run?

There are 2 choices - "Run" or "Cancel"

If I click on Run, the login screen screen comes up as usual, but after logging in, the program stops with an error:

Attendant Solutions (At-Start)

Error 52 { 52-Bad file name or number } occurred at 160 in ATStart


Logging on to the local machine instead of the domain works fine. The machine is still joined to the domain, but the user is logged on as a local user.

Mapping the drive by name, rather than by IP address (in the active directory logon script) solved this issue. Now the user can logon to the domain and run Attendant Solutions without issue.