Thursday, April 10, 2008


1. Select R to repair your installation, then select C to start the RC.

2. When prompted, review the available XP installations and enter the number that appears next to the XP installation that you want to repair.

3. Enter the Administrator account password.

4. Navigate to the System32 folder. For example, type

cd \windows\system32

5. Rename the winlogon.exe, msgina.dll, shell32.dll, and shlwapi.dll files with the .old file extension by typing

6. ren winlogon.exe winlogon.old

7. ren msgina.dll msgina.old

8. ren shell32.dll shell32.old

ren shlwapi.dll shlwapi.old

9. Copy the service pack version of these files to the System32 folder by typing

10. cd ..\servicepackfiles\i386

11. copy msgina.dll c:\windows\system32

12. copy shell32.dll c:\windows\system32

13. copy winlogon.exe c:\windows\system32

copy shlwapi.dll c:\windows\system32

14. Reboot the computer.


At the command prompt in Recovery Console, type the following line, and then press ENTER:

expand d:\i386\ /f:filename [path]

In this command, replace d: with the CD-ROM drive letter, filename with the name of the file to expand, and path with the folder in which to copy the driver file. Typically, driver (.sys) files are stored in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers folder.

For example, to replace the Atimpab.sys driver file, you might type:

expand d:\i386\ /f:atimpab.sys %systemroot%\System32\Drivers\

Note that in this command, you must use the /f switch because the cabinet file contains more than one file.

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